Is your dealership’s Website handcuffing your SEO outcomes? Do you know? Do you know how to find out? Most dealerships today are spending lots of money on SEO while having a Website that is crippling their effort. A dealership Website needs to be optimized for SEO and, for some reason, most providers of dealership Websites are not doing this. The result is dealerships spending more money than necessary on SEO and PPC all while having underperforming sales from these spends!
“You need to know your SEO score. This is like a physical for your Website’s SEO and PPC health.”
First, let’s figure out if you are one of the afflicted. You need to know your SEO score. This is like a physical for your Website’s SEO and PPC health. Don’t call your Website provider and expect to get a straight answer, however; you need to do this yourself. There are tools available to check this, such as SEO Site Checkup and SEMrush. You can get a quick glimpse at your SEO score and some of your issues in a few minutes for free on seositecheckup.com. Start here and get your score. Don’t be surprised if your score is below 70. Most dealerships in the United States fall into this dismal category. Your score should be 90 or higher. If your score in not in this range, this is where you need to call your Website provider. Call them and ask why you are paying them so much money every month for a website that is hurting your SEO and PPC and costing you sales (and please share their answer with me).
Today, you need to look beyond meta titles, keywords and broken links. Modern search engines look way beyond this. Htags, Alt image tags and URL structure are important. Many dealers don’t understand this language and trust in the expertise of their providers. For this reason, many have been duped into buying subpar “cookie-cutter” Websites that hinder their SEO efforts. Dealerships need to demand more from their Website providers. If your Website SEO score is not 90 or higher, you have a problem. You need to discuss this with your provider and get it fixed. If your provider can’t or won’t do this, then it is time to find a new provider.
Dealership Websites have come a long way in the past 10 years. Unfortunately, not as far as the Websites of other industries and the search engines that are the traffic cops of our day. Since most dealerships have underperforming sites with poor SEO scores, an enormous opportunity exists for the dealerships that get it right. Find out if you are one of the many dealers afflicted with a poor SEO score and do something about it. Demand that your site is brought up to — and beyond — par. If this is not possible, find a new provider that can deliver. Most of the other dealers will do nothing, and you will enjoy an advantage in your market!
For a free SEO score analysis, please email me with “SEO Score” in the subject line @ Chris@carbase.com