Last week on our Game Plan blog series “Put a Dent in Your Inventory” , we talked about Carbase.com’s ability to change your website at a moment's notice, such as a “Hail Sale.” This week we will discuss other challenges car dealers face in displaying their inventory.
Some of these challenges include:
Aging Inventory
Too much of the wrong inventory
Inventory without desired packages, features or accessories
New inventory coming in
Priced too high or too low for the market
Competition with another local dealer/franchise
Getting inventory on your website right away
A surprise hit
If you want to execute, i.e. Hail Sale, Closeout, Liquidation, Model Year End Clearance, etc, are you able to make changes to your website quickly to reflect your other advertising? What if you want to do an impromptu sale to reflect a community event? Are you able to select that specific inventory, put it into a separate page, and menu it on your own?
“The future of communicating with customers rests in engaging with them through every possible channel: phone, e-mail, chat, Web, and social networks. Customers are discussing a company's products and brand in real time. Companies need to join the conversation.” - Marc Benioff
You have the ability to make as many pages on your website as you like including inventory pages. We know that the saturation of your advertising and the quicker you can connect with your customers when it comes to “quick sales”, the more successful the sale. If a customer hears or sees an ad, shouldn’t that be reflected on your website? The average car buyer only visits 1.6 dealerships before purchasing a car and 85% of their research is done online before visiting - Translation: you only have one chance to make a lasting impression. If a customer goes to your website and can’t find information on the ad they just heard or saw, you may be losing customers.
We will discuss how Carbase.com products can help you easily sort inventory and implement them as new pages on your website. Follow us next week on our Game Plan blog series.